What’s your “GoTo” under pressure? (Finding stability during unstable times)
We all go through moments or seasons of pressure, stress or difficulty. But those seasons don’t have to be something that takes you and I out of the game. It’s often sad to me to see how easily people...
View ArticleThe Summons of God | his purpose; my part
I’m sure you’ve heard it said or even said it yourself that, “God has a plan.” But I wonder if you realize that God has some specific roles and purposes he’d like you to carry out as a part of that...
View ArticleWhere do you draw strength?
I want to ask the question, ‘Where does strength come from?” or more importantly, where does your strength come from? I think many of us are struggling, failing and wanting to quit because the place we...
One of the worst indictments that Jesus ever made in the bible was the statement in this verse in Matthew. These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. (Matthew 15:8...
View Article3 Areas To Put God First in 2015
Ok! First things first… Let’s start the year off right by putting God first in a few key areas. The first part sets the tone for the rest. There are so many things to be said on priorities, but let’s...
View Article5 Things I love about God’s Word
This morning as I opened the Bible app on my phone and went to my daily reading plan, (Life Journal Reading Plan), the overwhelming sense of thankfulness and love for God’s word came over me! At the...
View ArticleIt’s Time for a Step of Faith
I love the story of Peter walking on the water! It’s so inspiring to see Peter take that bold step of faith out of the boat. But, this is often easier said than done; let’s look at this story again and...
Are you compromising? Are you discarding God’s way to follow the way the culture around you lives life? In Psalm 106, God’s people find themselves again in a situation like I mentioned above. While...
View Article3 Things That Will Help You Consistently Read Your Bible
There is Nothing like spending time with God through his word!! Since I was a young kid my parents taught me the value of loving and reading the Bible, and trying to read it daily. I can remember often...
View ArticleMORE AND MORE — Devotional from 1 Thessalonians 4
Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more, (1 Thessalonians 4:10 NIV) I love this chapter in 1 Thessalonians, because the apostle Paul repeats this line a couple of times, “Do...
I did a series of interviews at a college campus and ask two questions. The first was, “Do you believe in God?” Which I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised at how many said that they do believe in...
View ArticleTHE BEST OF 2015 | Top 10 Blogs
It’s been a great year, and before we say goodbye to 2015, I wanted to reflect quickly on THE BEST OF 2015. These are the posts that mattered the most to you! Help us get the word out to more people in...
In the world that we all live in; devotion is at a premium. Too many people are approaching relationships, marriage, work, life, and faith with an escape clause. Partially committed with one foot in...
You are not an afterthought of heaven; you are the focus. Not sure if you connect with or reject that statement, but it’s the most amazing truth communicated over and over again throughout the Bible....
My four-year old daughter and I were looking at an apple tree that hadn’t yet produced apples that season; my daughter asked me for an apple. I let her know that I couldn’t give her an apple right now...
View ArticleRecapture
As time goes on in our relationship with Jesus, some find their once passionate connection to God can become a mundane association. We see this pattern repeat itself often in the Bible where God would...
View ArticleBEST OF 2016 | TOP 10 BLOGS
Before we say goodbye to 2016, I wanted to reflect quickly on THE BEST OF 2016. These are the posts that mattered the most to you! We’re believing that next year is going to be incredible, filled with...
View ArticleDon’t forget to remember.
Let’s talk about Remembering and forgetting. You ever notice how we often seem to hold onto the things we really should forget and forget the things that we should remember? Well, the truth is our...
View ArticleConstant Use
We live in an era right now where good and evil don’t always seems to be clear or obvious; how do we decide what’s right and wrong with so many different opinions flying around out there and many of...
View ArticleHow to break free from the spirit of heaviness!
Often times in life we can find ourselves under what feels like a heavy-weight from— loss, failure, sin, tragedy, missed dreams, life pressures, and more. First, I want to encourage you that you’re...
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