Channel: Daily Devotion – Samuel Deuth Ministries
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My four-year old daughter and I were looking at an apple tree that hadn’t yet produced apples that season; my daughter asked me for an apple. I let her know that I couldn’t give her an apple right now because they weren’t ready yet. That didn’t seem to satisfy her desire because she said, “But I want it now!” I told her, I know you want it now, but that doesn’t change the reality that you’re going to have to wait before you get what you want.

Most of us understand that even though we want a particular piece of fruit or vegetable now, there are natural growing seasons that we have to wait for before we can enjoy the fruit. But we often forget that when it comes to our lives, work, relationships, or ministry calling. We may want the fruit from those areas now!! But, that doesn’t change the fact that you’ll have to wait the allotted amount of time.

As long as the earth endures, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night will never cease.
—Genesis 8:22

From the beginning, God established the seed-time and harvest of planet earth. Seeds get planted, then we wait, then we harvest, then we enjoy the fruit. We too often want to have fruit we haven’t planted, waited for, or harvested. Believe I know the struggle of waiting! I’m so much like my four-year old, I want what God promised me, and I want it now! But, with a little maturity, I’ve realized it doesn’t work that way, God gives us purpose and calling in seed form, calls us to plant it, and then we enter the wonderful season of waiting….. so, here are a couple of things to do while you and I wait.


1. Keep Watering
Often the planting part can be exciting, but during the hidden time of development, when everything is happening under the surface, don’t assume you can do nothing. Keeping the soil healthy, hydrated, free of weeds are all keep parts of a healthy harvest. We can’t see the harvest yet, but we must keep watering the ground. Which means, we keep developing and honing our craft which will help us at harvest time. It means I protect the planted seeds from things that could damage them. I protect the dream that’s in by keeping my life clear of negative habits or people who could dig up the seeds I’ve planted.

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take    or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
—Psalm 1:1-3

2. Stay In Faith
When we initially plant the dream-seed into the ground, we have a lot of faith because we’re holding the seed of that dream in our hands, but once it gets buried beneath the ground and we lose sight of it, doubt can creep in. We must fight to stay full of faith that if God gave you the dream, and calling, that he will bring the fruit in the right season. In my different seasons of my faith being tested, I’ve realized that getting “out of faith” is easier than I thought because it’s more subtle than I thought. You might assume that the enemy is gonna come in making lots of noise to get us to doubt, but its simple and subtle whispers of doubt that if we don’t watch out will become weeds in our garden that choke out the seeds that God gave us to plant. Trust in God! Stay In Faith! Remind yourself of this verse often!

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
—1 Thessalonians 5:24


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