My four-year old daughter and I were looking at an apple tree that hadn’t yet produced apples that season; my daughter asked me for an apple. I let her know that I couldn’t give her an apple right now...
View ArticleRecapture
As time goes on in our relationship with Jesus, some find their once passionate connection to God can become a mundane association. We see this pattern repeat itself often in the Bible where God would...
View ArticleBEST OF 2016 | TOP 10 BLOGS
Before we say goodbye to 2016, I wanted to reflect quickly on THE BEST OF 2016. These are the posts that mattered the most to you! We’re believing that next year is going to be incredible, filled with...
View ArticleDon’t forget to remember.
Let’s talk about Remembering and forgetting. You ever notice how we often seem to hold onto the things we really should forget and forget the things that we should remember? Well, the truth is our...
View ArticleConstant Use
We live in an era right now where good and evil don’t always seems to be clear or obvious; how do we decide what’s right and wrong with so many different opinions flying around out there and many of...
View ArticleHow to break free from the spirit of heaviness!
Often times in life we can find ourselves under what feels like a heavy-weight from— loss, failure, sin, tragedy, missed dreams, life pressures, and more. First, I want to encourage you that you’re...
View ArticleAre you sick of failure? Here’s 2 Quick things that will set you up to win in...
Isn’t it frustrating when you feel like things just aren’t going your way? Or have you ever thought, what do I need to do to begin to turn things around from failure to success. And for those who are...
View ArticleLearning To Hear The Voice Of God | Following Jesus Blog Series
One of the most important questions—and often the most common—is, “How do I hear God when He talks?” One of my favorite scriptures that give us a clue how to do this is found in 1 Samuel: 1 Samuel...
View ArticleHe Is With You! A Reminder this Christmas! (Free Devotional)
We have a world looking for the Joy to the World and the Peace on Earth that our carols and holiday parties highlight but many never quite seems to be able to find that rest the soul truly needs. Why?...
View ArticleA Future Full of Hope!… because of the cross
Just waking up after an incredible time of celebrating what Jesus did on the cross with my C3 Church family! Last night we reflected on the death of Jesus and the power that was released on humanity...
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